Archive | March 6, 2017

Improvising a story

It’s one thing to read a story that has all the characters, the setting, the problem, and a solution written for you, but it is an entirely new challenge to create your own story with these elements from one picture.

Never fear, Prep B is here, and we will rise to any challenge thrown our way… And boy did they ever!

They had pictures of a man fishing a taxi out of a river, a girl with a pig who were both covered in mud, two girls cooking – one of whom had a giant chicken on her head, just to name a few. The stories the children developed were incredible. Some chose to work with a partner, whilst others collaborated in twos and threes.

Dd is for didgeridoo

“I’m going to put lots of dots here to make swirls”

“My dots go like this , but then down straight” 

“How do you do dot pictures like they do?”

The Preps were really intrigued by dddddddddot painting on a didgeridoo. Both a challenge and a fascination. They took extreme pride in their work as they precisely dot painted their didgeridoo. Check them out in the junior corridor next time you’re there.