Archive | March 2, 2017

L for lollipop!

Lovely licking lollipops!

Although the students are busy creating and building words with all letters of the alphabet, we create memories with each letter to help them remember each of them. The students liked their large lollipops! But they are not for eating! If only they were real!

Science: life cycles


Prep B is made about Science. We have been looking at life cycles. We have planted our snow peas and are anxiously watching them grow from seed to plant. Now, we are looking at the life cycle of a caterpillar. We watched

Then we  made these bright and colourful displays:

Bb is for bee

Buzz buzz

Learning the sound of /b/ naturally means making bees. And if it means naturally making bees, then we will use materials from nature. How cool are our pine cone bees?