Archive | February 28, 2017

Sounds in Words

Learning all about sounds in words. We have been looking at initial sounds, middle vowel sounds and end sounds. We have also been trying to hear about all the sounds that rhyme.

The students have been listening very hard to the sounds and are becoming sound experts!

CAFE Reading

Learning intention: To point to the words as we read.

The students in prep A have been focusing on the importance of pointing to each word. It helps us get our lips ready for the initial sound in each word and even sound out letters as we drag our finger along the word.

Learning about Mindfulness

This year, our school is actively promoting mindfulness in the classroom to ensure that both students and teachers take a moment after recess and lunch to reconnect with themselves and to refresh to prepare for learning. Sometimes we meditate, other times we dance, then there are those times where we sit in a circle and give compliments to each other for what we enjoyed about playtime. It is important that children can identify and name the emotions and feelings they are experiencing as matched with recent actions and consequences. In this way, we can promote more positive experiences, and limit negative emotions.

For those times when the children do require assistance with identifying their feelings, or need a space to withdraw to, I have set up a calming corner with feeling books, sensory toys and a ‘MySpace tent’.

To further assist us with understanding who we are, and what we are feeling and why, we will sometimes have lessons with the school Chaplain, Monty, and his Kimochi friends. Check out the Kimochi friends at and see if you can tell which Kimochi you are.