
How many of our feet fit in a T-Rex foot?

As part of our Maths/Inquiry today, we decided to do a bit of informal measuring…We wanted to investigate:

– how long all of our shoes together would be,

– how many shoes long is a T-Rex foot,

– and how many shoes could we fit inside a T-rex?


Challenge accepted. 

What’s in your habitat?

Today we went on a habitat scavenger hunt during Science. We each had an ‘I spy’ list to see what we could spot in the great outdoors. Do you think any of us saw a squirrel? 🙂 

Afterwards, we then compared our present habitat, that we reside in, to what the dinosaurs lived in. “What is different?” “Their footpaths might be bigger” was an answer… So we started down that path of discussion for a while. “What is the same?” “Crocodiles” woah! Good job Prep B


Social-emotional well-being Guess Who

Can you guess what our emotions are?



The Preps have recently been learning to identify and infer the emotions of others by reading their facial cues. We have been practising in front of mirrors and with each other in order to develop our understanding of social cues. We also use this new knowledge when reading to infer how the characters feel in certain situations. This is the reading strategy Iggy Iguana.

Writing Queens!!!

Learning intention: to use the sounds we hear to spell words.

Well done Scarlett and Charlotte for your incredible writing today! You can really see the effort you both made into using the sounds you could hear to spell tricky words.

Responsible Pet Ownership Incursion

Today we had Summer come and visit us at school. She is our new four legged friend who was teaching us all about:

The children loved it! Some of us were invited to even practise our new skills of how to approach an unknown dog with Summer. Check us out!