
A real footprint?

On Thursday, Mrs Pickering was busy delivering three very well travelled packages that were sent all the way from Malaysia. Upon receiving the letters and packages, each class read the letter carefully to understand who was kind enough to send us such gifts. It was Kaisha, a volunteer working overseas who has spent quite a bit of time with orangutans and who has seen what their habitats look like.

Kaisha went onto explain in her letter that she would love to come visit the Preps as soon as she returns to Melbourne to share her stories. She is so happy that the Preps are wanting to help protect the orangutans’ homes by spreading the word of Palm oil.

To show her appreciation, Kaisha sent each class a footprint mould of an orangutan. HOW COOL!

Check it out!






We stand together

Much to their dismay, the Preps cannot sign their name to something very close to their hearts and have asked that we spread the word as far as we can. In the words of NWNPS’ Preps

  • “Government… I really want you to label what has palm oil and what doesn’t have palm oil”
  • “Tell us if it has palm oil or not!”
  • “Why do you think the orangutans’ homes aren’t important?”
  • “Tell the government to not use palm oil!”‘


‘Please help us stop the loggers chopping down the orangutans trees. That’s their homes. They need homes. Sign the palm oil petition because WE CAN’T!’. 

Go to this website: and spread the word.

If it’s got palm oil  – LABEL IT!

Friends of ten

Using our friends of ten knowledge the students found their way through the lazer maze to find two numbers that equal ten. We are practicing these to remember these automatically.


Palm Oil

Well done Ella for finding certified palm oil in your chips today. We are even more aware of the palm oil that is not harming the orangutans now. We even found this written on the packet! Ella I’m very proud you are thinking about your food choices to look after our world!


Monday Morning Magic!

Who knew Monday morning would be magical? Thank-you Rylan for your MUSIC and Elijah for your mini MATHS lesson and Asha for turning into a MONSTER! Monday has brought the letter M to us!
